EES is Keeping it REAL with PBIS

Responsible Engaged Accountable Leader


(click on image to view larger)

This is our School-Wide PBIS Matrix. This document outlines for students all expected behaviors in each area of the school. Notice the 4 behaviors on the left side, we are "Keeping it REAL at EES!".

Students can earn EES Cash based on their choices to Keep it REAL. Teachers check off which behavior(s) the student exhibits on the EES cash, fills in the student name, and hands the cash to the student.              


The last Friday of each month students earn their choice of enrichment based on the amount of "EES Cash" they have accumulated for the month. Each teacher in the building provides a fun activity and the students select which activity they want to join as an acknowledgment for their hard work and dedication to "Keeping it REAL".



The links below will take you to our PBIS videos. There is a video that corresponds to each area in the building found on the Matrix. These videos have both examples of poor behavior choices (staff) and also appropriate behavior choices (students). Please encourage your students to focus on the proper way the students in the videos behave and point out the poor behaviors that the staff choose in their videos.

PBIS - Car Riders
PBIS - Lunchroom
PBIS - School Bus
PBIS - Bathrooms
PBIS - Hallways
PBIS - Learning Areas
PBIS - Playground